E-rate News & Updates

Erate Exchange Community Outreach: Influencing Others For A Better Tomorrow

Posted at November 18, 2015 | By : | Categories : Uncategorized | 0 Comment

‘Tis the season for giving! With Thanksgiving around the corner, E-rate Exchange was inspired to go beyond schools and libraries, and give back to the community as well. With a portion of our client’s proceeds, we put together care packages with every day essentials such as warm socks, water, tooth brushes, and hygiene products. We drove around our communities to hand out these care packages to those in need. We hope to make an impact on not only those who have received these packages, but on other individuals or companies that may be inspired to pay it forward as well.

From all of us here at E-rate Exchange, we would like to thank YOU for your continued service which allows us to fulfill our community outreach by influencing others for a better tomorrow!

Happy Holidays!

E-rate Exchange

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