Funding Year 2017
Form 470 We are currently in the process of finalizing Form 470s for FY 2017, and collecting the CFI (Client Furnished Information) Packets to begin preparing for the Form 471 come February. If you have not yet signed off on your Form 470 via DocuSign, or completed your CFI Submission, please contact your e2e Account Specialist ASAP to ensure we are ready for your Form 471 filing. Form 471 The Filing of the Form ...
Erate 101 Webinars
e2e Exchange is excited to invite you to an exclusive online presentation to help get you better acquainted with the E-rate program. Our very own E-rate specialist, Tiffany Mott, will present via GoToMeeting on the below dates. We value our clients and we know that you like to be kept in the loop. Please join us to brush up on your E-rate knowledge by emailing Tiffany Mott at tam@e2eexchange.com with which presentation date you would like ...
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